
Through your honest answers to the following questions, you will be able to identify the social issues and themes that most interest you. This could motivate you to get actively involved in making the changes you want to see in your community.

1 / 26

What is your age?

2 / 26


3 / 26

Latest graduated education

4 / 26

What country are you from?

5 / 26

What is your residence environment?

6 / 26

Email – If you want, leave us your email address so we can send you the results of your research and participate in our future research. Your email address will remain strictly confidential in accordance with GDPR.

7 / 26

The European Union should ensure additional protection of personal data, even if this would have negative consequences for the business environment.

8 / 26

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) must be heavily regulated by the European Union.

9 / 26

The European Union should allocate more funds to the development of artificial intelligence (AI) than to other fields.

10 / 26

The European Union must strengthen its partnership with NATO.

11 / 26

The borders between the states of the European Union should disappear.

12 / 26

The European Union must continue to support the defense of Ukraine.

13 / 26

In their activity, farmers should respect all environmental protection measures, even if this would affect small farmers.

14 / 26

To ensure environmental protection, the European Union should introduce stricter rules for the use of natural resources.

15 / 26

Carbon emissions must be drastically reduced, even if this would affect some jobs.

16 / 26

The integration of technological innovations in health improves medical services.

17 / 26

Access to medical services is still unequal in the European Union.

18 / 26

Mental health must be on the agenda of European health policies.

19 / 26

Economic development must put the citizen, not corporations, at the center of its concerns.

20 / 26

The digitization of the economy will provide more jobs for young people.

21 / 26

The European Union must become economically independent.

22 / 26

The European Union must promote the rights of LGBTQ+ people.

23 / 26

The European Union must promote the rights of religious minorities.

24 / 26

Refugees and/or immigrants from outside the European Union must adapt to European values.

25 / 26

Nationalism is an obstacle in the development of the European Union.

26 / 26

The European Union has the legitimacy to impose rules on member states.

Building an informed and engaged European electorate for voting in the 2024 European Elections – Romania, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria,

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